Wednesday 4 July 2012

We Are Dead by The Tradition.

New ideas might sound silly at times. Nevertheless, open your mind, welcome the alternatives and opinions, digest and filter the unwanted while appreciate and execute the good ones. Who knows it might solve the tangled issues which were abandoned by routine and tradition –nho, 2012.

Sometimes we were mistakenly judge in attempt to change the routine by executing new ideas. Even, at some points ideas are often being blindly rejected over traditions. I must say; by the observation working for 5 years in 3 different companies; I witnessed with my own eyes how fresh vibrant ideas sometimes are not well accepted in the company that has been established for more than 50 years as they are used to traditions that made them what they are today. While on the other hand, new ideas, invention, lively skills and being intelligently resourceful are viewed as an opportunity in new developing company.

For example and based on the experience, the seniors in the established company (the company which has successfully maintained their growth of success for more than 50 years) are unlikely to hear the new paradigm presented by the new executive age 27 years old who sees the loopholes in the management routine. The traditions somehow has blindfold the invention and creative method to tackle issues. On the other hand, new ideas, innovation and creative solutions are widely accepted by the newly establishing company as long as it helps to reduce the company operational cost.

Bottom line, find the mutual point. Oversee the people acceptance. Some might appreciate the ideas while some just seen it as insignificant. Sometimes traditions are relevance while at some points it just meant to be thrown out of the window when it is no longer applicable in the modern world. We are rapidly changing, and somehow to hold on to the traditions for too long will cause a great demise to the invention and its creative minds.

With that, I am sure ‘ Biar Mati Anak Jangan Mati Adat’ is no longer appropriate now. -nho

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