Thursday, 22 March 2012

Excuses to Escape? I Almost Puke.

Perlu ke twisted the fact and point your hideous finger to me when both of us know that you are the one with deficiency? Now I am certain that It was true when they said peoples’ true colors appear when they are desperate. Upon which arise a question; Where has the virtue lies when staying true and honest are always being seen as weak and easy target?

Thankful for I never doubt the power of prayer and faith. Biar lambat asalkan selamat and importantly, I seek for His blessing in every doings.

Its always appear easy to make assumption over things which you never put your feet into for I bet none of them could even stand serving the hardwired undescribed job description which I am in. Again, I am not in a position to assume nor judge; I leave it to The Best Judge of All for His Best Judgment.

May The All Knowing decides the best for us all -nho

His expression? Priceless!

 Appreciation goes to him for the Mars bar he bought and the delivery of hot cappucino at me office only to ease my nuisance over some people's behavior. Thanks babe! Love you soul mate :)

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