Friday, 27 January 2012

Crazy Bunch

You are so crazy
Even when the others worry
You stood there and act funny.

We were working for long hour
And still waking up with face of sour
My! How wonderful it is when the days were filled only with laughter.

Stop giggling everywhere
We got events and everybody stare
So get down with work as the boss is making his glare.

I miss our golden days
When things were quite simple and no one to care.

How the time flies
How the life passes
Now it has been 8 years
But our great laughter is still loud in my ears - nho

Dedicated to all my Cyberkids/Cyberfolks facilitator buddies; where ever you are now. I miss our great days travelling all over Malaysia; get down with long hours of working and yet still have a great time together :) Miss u all!

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